Tag Archives: Dublin Living

St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland

By Isabella Gentleman

Visiting Student Blogger, St. Olaf College


Being in Ireland for St. Patrick’s Day feels an awful lot like being in the United States for the Fourth of July, sans warm summer weather and fireworks. But as an American, St. Patrick’s Day felt even more magical than that, maybe because of the Leprechauns and Pirate Queens, but more so because of the spirit and excitement even the Irish have about celebrating and getting the day to spend time with others. Yes, Dublin City – Temple Bar especially – is filled with tourists and teenagers looking for silly ways to spend the holiday, but there are so many ways to celebrate and enjoy this holiday without finding a pub or trying to squeeze your way through Temple Bar, with everyone and their brother, that night!

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Exploring Dublin: Favorite Walks

By Isabella Gentleman

Visiting Student Blogger, St. Olaf College

As a visiting student at Trinity, it has been important to me to learn as much about the city of Dublin and its people while I’m here, in addition to everything I’m learning at Trinity. Being from America, Dublin’s centuries-old architecture and history is remarkable. Its city centre alone offers an abundance of things to explore – I have never been bored.

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