Tag Archives: Studying in UK

EXPERIENCING TRINITY AS AN AMERICAN – 5 Year’s Time: From 1st Visiting Trinity to My Graduation

Eli is one of our US students who is in her fourth year in Trinity.  Here she lets us know about her experience of moving to Ireland to study at Trinity. 

The first time I ever set foot in Trinity was November of 2012. It was Thanksgiving break of my senior year in high school and I convinced my family to fly half way around the world with me for what I knew would be a very important college visit.

The moment I walked through the front gate of college I was sold. There’s something magical about strolling in from the loud bustling street into the dark tunnel of front gate. Those big wooden doors transport you into another world, a bright imposing and enduring oasis. After over 400 years of change, so much remains remarkably the same at Trinity. The history really drew me in.

We got a tour from an American girl with an Irish accent who had just started her third year here and spent the hour singing its praises. Her stories and reassurances really made me confident that if she could do it so could I.

Photo 3

I met for coffee with a member of the Global Relations Office and a lecturer from the Political Science Department. They both made me feel important, like I was welcome and wanted at Trinity. That feeling, I’m happy to say, has never gone away. As I was leaving campus I wondered if walking down those cobblestone paths between the old stone buildings would feel just as magical if I was there every day. Five years later the magic still hasn’t worn off.

Continue reading EXPERIENCING TRINITY AS AN AMERICAN – 5 Year’s Time: From 1st Visiting Trinity to My Graduation


Roisin is one of our US students who is in her 2nd year in Trinity.  Here she lets us know about her experience of studying Engineering at Trinity, one of our Top 10 Courses. 

Your name: Roisin Donnelly

Your year of study: Second Year

Your programme of study / course: Engineering 

What made you decide to study your course at Trinity?

There are three reasons why Trinity was the obvious choice for me. Firstly, the prestige that the name “Trinity” carries is enough to impress future employers or doctorate admissions officers everywhere.  Secondly, Trinity offers a world-class education, which is immediately geared toward your major, from day one. Say goodbye to those pesky gen-ed courses that are mandatory in most U.S. schools. Lastly, attending Trinity meant that the opportunity to explore Europe was at my fingertips.

What, if anything, was the most challenging thing about moving to Ireland to study?

The hardest thing about moving to Ireland was saying goodbye to my hometown friends.

How did you overcome the challenge?

It helped a lot to think that it was time to for us to part ways anyway. Even if I stayed in the States for college, it was unlikely I was going to see my friends every day as we would all be going to separate schools regardless. Staying in touch is fairly easy though with social media and Skype.

What aspect / module of your course have you enjoyed studying the most so far and why?

So far, I have enjoyed Professional engineering module from term one the most.  The main goal of the class was to design some sort of product for Ireland 2075. It was fun to choose a prospective flaw with a county of Ireland (2075), and attempt to engineer a solution.

If you had one piece of advice to any other students about to start your course in Trinity what would it be?

Don’t be afraid to join lots of clubs and societies, and speak up in class. The earlier on you get involved, the easier it will be to make friends. Also I highly recommend doing the Smart-Start program, as getting to know people of similar backgrounds is extremely nice.


What is your favourite thing about Dublin?

There’s always something to do in Dublin. The city manages to be both quaint and vivacious all at once. It’s easy enough to find your way around but every day you’ll find yourself discovering a new hidden gem, whether it’s a free gallery you were unaware of, a quiet coffee house, or a venue with lovely live music all the time.

What three words would you use to describe Trinity to someone who’s never been here?

Enchanting, Respectable, Sophisticated.

If you would like to get to know Trinity College, consider coming along to one of our upcoming US events in New York, Philadelphia and Washington D.C.


Langston is one of our US students who is in his fourth year in Trinity.  Here he lets us know about his experience of moving to Ireland to study at Trinity.

Over the past four years that I have been studying at Trinity, the most persistent question I am asked by Americans and Irish alike is precisely why I chose to attend.

I have yet to find a satisfying answer.

Unlike many of my expatriate peers, I had no Irish heritage, had neverLangston visited the country before submitting my application, and had no preceding love for Irish literature or culture. Instead, I chose Trinity because I wanted to be in Europe, wanted to study amongst places that had a tangible history,  and—perhaps most importantly—was immensely charmed by my first emergence from College Green onto the rounded cobblestones of Front Square.

The small high school I attended in Seattle, Washington proved itself to be of little help when deciding where I should spend the next four years of my life. It was rare that any of my predecessors had chosen to leave the country to pursue their undergraduate degrees and nobody in recent memory had ventured to Ireland for longer than a semester abroad. With no one to consult, my decision eventually fell between the safe and comfortable colleges of my homeland or one that was unknown but perhaps enriching and certainly adventurous.



Sinéad is one of our US students who is in her first year in Trinity.  Here she lets us know about her experience of studying Law at Trinity, one of our Top 10 Courses. 

Your name: Sinéad Flynn

Where you’re from in the US: Chicago, IL

Your year of study:  First year

Your programme of study / course: Law

What made you decide to study your course at TrinityIn Trinity?

I had always known I wanted to become a Lawyer. I was excited to discover that Trinity, like the rest of European countries, offers a Law degree at the Undergraduate Level. This was enticing to me as I have the opportunity to commence by Law studies right away, as opposed to a Bachelor’s degree in the US, and then a three year JD programme. I am able to engage in my ideal course in my first year of college. Further, there are a few options to explore after the completion of the degree. One can pursue work in the US, by taking the Bar in certain states, or pursue a career in Ireland. Of course with an Undergraduate degree in Law, one can explore other options that may not fit into the traditional lawyer role, such as journalism, politics, and many other types of jobs. This is a great course for someone who wants to start studying Law immediately, rather than waiting to pursue it after a Bachelor’s Degree.


Continue reading BITESIZE TOP 10 COURSES: LAW

5 YEAR’S TIME: FROM VISITING TRINITY TO MY GRADUATION – Experiencing Trinity as an American

Eli is one of our US students who is in her fourth year in Trinity.  Here she lets us know about her experience of moving to Ireland to study at Trinity. 

The first time I ever set foot in Trinity was November of 2012. It was Thanksgiving break of my senior year in high school and I convinced my family to fly half way around the world with me for what I knew would be a very important college visit.

The moment I walked through the front gate of college I was sold. There’s something magical about strolling in from the loud bustling street into the dark tunnel of front gate. Those big wooden doors transport you into another world, a bright imposing and enduring oasis. After over 400 years of change, so much remains remarkably the same at Trinity. The history really drew me in.Photo 3

We got a tour from an American girl with an Irish accent who had just started her third year here and spent the hour singing its praises. Her stories and reassurances really made me confident that if she could do it so could I.

I met for coffee with a member of the Global Relations Office and a lecturer from the Political Science Department. They both made me feel important, like I was welcome and wanted at Trinity. That feeling, I’m happy to say, has never gone away. As I was leaving campus I wondered if walking down those cobblestone paths between the old stone buildings would feel just as magical if I was there every day. Five years later the magic still hasn’t worn off.

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Almost a year later, in September of 2013, I showed up for my first day of college. The whole first week was a blur. Meeting tons of new people with names I couldn’t pronounce. Joining a million clubs and societies unsure of what I even liked to do. Trying to translate Irish slang. Struggling to cook dinner for myself for the first time. Drinking gallons of tea with my new housemates in Trinity Halls and talking incessantly about what life in Ireland is really like. Everyone was friendly and amazingly welcoming. I can’t appreciate enough how kind and inclusive everyone in this country is. It’s so easy to feel at home here, even amongst strangers.

The entire first year I was so busy making friends, going to balls, trying to understand the weather, having dinner parties, traveling, and panicking over exams, before realising they weren’t really that bad, to stop and think about being homesick or scared. When I went home for the summer I couldn’t wait to come back.

Throughout the next two years I settled into life in Ireland and travelled a ton, taking advantage of Ireland’s amazing sites and proximity to Europe’s most iconic destinations.

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I got a job in the Trinity Global Room giving tours and helping other international students. I moved out of Trinity Halls and rented a house with friends. I put my head down and studied more than ever before for the Schols exams and ended up spending my first Christmas away from home.

I became so much more independent, something I think a lot of American college students miss out on. One of the things I appreciate the most about Trinity is the fact that they don’t coddle you. It’s on you to study, to show up for classes, to find accommodation and to ask for help if you need it. The support services at Trinity are second to none, but at the end of the day it’s up to you to take advantage of them and to push yourself to succeed. While it was intimidating at the time, now that I’m finishing up my time here I feel so confident that I can go out into the real world and take the initiative. I think this is a big reason so many entrepreneurs come out of Trinity. Going to Trinity taught me how to push myself and to earn everything I accomplish.

Photo 10 (Global Room)

I’m in the second semester of my final year now, trying to decide what to do with the rest of my life. Only now looking back, I realise how much I’ve learned, both in and out of the classroom, in the years since I first set foot in Front Square. I’ve gained a global perspective, friends from all over the world, a masters level undergraduate degree, a new home and confidence in who I am. These four years have been the best years of my life. While there have definitely been hard times and some tears and homesickness along the way, I know I’ve grown so much from my time here. I’ve decided I want to stay in Ireland after college is over. I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to leave. My experience here at Trinity has changed my life for the better and I wouldn’t give it up for the world.

In November of 2017, I’ll be walking through the front gates again, this time to graduate. Five years ago, going to college at Trinity was my dream. I’ve been so lucky that that dream became a reality. While it’ll be hard to say goodbye, I’m happy to know the time I’ve spent here will be a part of me forever.

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If you would like to get to know Trinity College, consider coming along to one of our upcoming US events from 25 March to 4 April in Chicago, Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington D.C.